Microsoft Surface Pro 4 and Surface Book are milestones in terms of innovation and the latest devices have a feature that was previously unavailable. Journalists who got hands-on previews were notified that a certain forensics feature was missing but that turned out to be implemented by the time consumers got their copies of these devices.
Security is a tricky matter and Microsoft had the job of making sure that their latest tablet and desktop were fully secure which is why they added Hello Windows. This is a feature that unlocks your tablet or computer based on facial recognition or fingerprint recognition or even voice detection. This is blazing fast and it wasn’t included in first hand units but users are now reporting the fact that they’ve used it and it’s fantastic, so it’s there. There’s also a Surface Pro Type Cover which gives you the ability to log in with your fingerprint which is a feature that’s also present on Apple’s iPhone device. This is a very secure method of suspending activity and it prevents and perpetrators from entering your device. Should your Surface Pro or Surface Book get stolen, the attacker is unable to log in.
Surface Devices Firmware Update
Putting aside the fact that the missing Hello Windows feature is now added, Microsoft rolled out a firmware update on 10/23/2015 for the Surface Pro 4 and the Surface Book which adds various performance improvements, security additions and battery improvements. There’s a plethora of security options bundled with the Surface Book and the Surface Pro 4 which gives us hope for the future of the mobile platform industry, unlike Android and iOS which bring forth doubts among the tech industry.
What do you think of Hello Windows? Let us know by leaving a comment and tell us if you already ordered a Surface Pro 4.
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