Micromax has launched the Bolt D303 budget smartphone in India, priced at Rs. 3,499. The Phone has 3G connectivity and its support Indian regional languages, as well as its 'Swipe' feature that the company says enables easy input, apart from a special messaging service for easy translations.
The Micromax Bolt D303 runs on Android 4.4 KitKat, and features a 4-inch WVGA (480x800) display. It is powered by a 1.3GHz dual-core processor that's coupled with 512MB of RAM. The new budget Micromax smartphone sports a 3.2-megapixel fixed focus rear camera, and a 0.3-megapixel front facing camera.
The dual-SIM Bolt D303 comes with 4GB of built-in storage that is expandable via microSD card (up to 32GB). Connectivity options include 3G, Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth 4.0, Micro-USB 2.0, and a 3.5mm audio jack. The smartphone is powered by a 1300mAh battery, and is rated to deliver up to 4.5 hours talk time, and 245 hours of standby time.
Micromax last month launched the Canvas Selfie Lens smartphone, priced at Rs. 8,299. It comes with a clip-on wide-angle lens. The new smartphone from Micromax will come with bundled data offer from Vodafone offering up to 500MB 3G data free for first two months. The company has announced that the Micromax Canvas Selfie Lens smartphone will be available via online and offline stores in White and Champagne as well as Moondust Grey colour variants.
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